When a loved one reaches the end of life and they're battling a disease, it can be difficult to watch. You don't want to see them suffer or be in pain during their last few weeks of life. Investing in hospice care is a good option because this care service provides your loved one with the added love and support that they need to live a pain-free end of life. If you're ready to commit to hospice care for your dying loved one, you want to make sure that you hire the right company. Here are some questions to ask when hiring for hospice care.

Is Your Hospice Care Company Licensed or Accredited?

You want to make sure that a particular company is meeting all state laws and regulations. Ask whether the hospice care company is accredited and if they have a valid license. This can give you more confidence when selecting a company to hire. 

What Are the Expectations for the Family?

You also want to get a feel for your family's role during the hospice care process. Ask what the company expects you to do and how you're part of the care plan. 

How Quickly Will Pain and Symptoms Be Managed?

One of the biggest goals of hospice care is to minimize or eliminate pain and other discomforts for your loved one. As you begin to interview potential companies, do ask how quickly they plan to get pain and other illness symptoms to be managed. You want to bring comfort to your loved one as quickly as possible.

How Often Will Staff Visit the Home?

You want to make sure that you're all on the same page as for how often a staff member will be able to visit the home. If you need a staff member to be present more often, just ask if that's possible. 

How Quick Is Crisis Response?

If you need someone to come to the home at 4 am on the weekend, you want to feel confident that the company that you hire will be able to do that. Do ask how quickly crisis response is and how flexible the company is in this regard.

What Bereavement Services Are Offered?

Also, check to see what bereavement services are offered to your family after your loved one passes. This may include individual or group bereavement support. You may want to ask how long this kind of service is offered.

Asking these questions can make it easier for you to select a hospice care provider for your loved one. This service can help to make their end of life much more comfortable.
